Category Archives: colorz

2 Days until the biggest meal of your life

If your like me and it still hasn’t hit you that Thanksgiving is this Thursday, well get ready cause it’s almost here.  Here are some hand turkeys, enjoy.

Got her toes done up with her finger nails matchin’

It’s FRIDAY folks!  So go out, get your nails did with yo toes done up too! I came across this blog, it’s fun, check it out now get ready to party.  Below are some of my faves.


Is anyone else as excited as I am about the Tron remake? Daft Punk soundtrack and what appears to be a massive special effects budget… how can it fail?

How about a hat tip to the original? Watch the trailer from 1982. We’ve come a long way, folks:

Time to open a credit card..

Pantone is teaming up with Visa to make these super awesome credit cards. Makes spending money you maybe don’t have fun AND design-y. Check it out here.

PANTONE by Letraset Posters

Out of print, deadstock oversized Pantone swatches. Get ’em while they’re hot!

I want one in every color

JWOWW is now selling her fantastic signature shirt on her site.  She has her own clothing line folks.  Get ’em now, while supplies last.

You need this.

It’s 5 pm on a Thursday and the weekend is just slightly out of reach. You need a pick me up. And trust me, this will do it. So sit back, zone out for a few and enjoy this sweet sweet classic. Look out for the electric hotdogs!

This + That: Pink December

(click image for source)

Rave Art

Shawna McLellan makes crazy art and fashion that leaves me wishing it were still 1996. Especially into the costumes. Awesome!

Picnic Posters

The lovely posters by the head of Herman Miller’s creative crew, Steve Frykholm. He first got into poster-making in Nigeria with the Peace Corps in the 60s, and, starting with a simple request to make one for the company picnic, his posters have made their way into the history books at MoMA.







via Herman Miller