Category Archives: It's the future

Lorem Ipsum Has Officially Evolved.

Guys, I just want to say that short ribs ham hock chuck pork ground round, beef strip steak tri-tip. Tri-tip pork belly jowl ribeye shank shoulder. Shankle pig flank short loin, spare ribs biltong bacon hamburger tenderloin tail tongue jowl venison jerky salami. Pancetta shank jowl, meatball ribeye tongue ham hock bacon cow tenderloin pig drumstick. Ribeye chicken fatback, ground round strip steak tail tenderloin tongue. Short loin turkey sausage drumstick. Strip steak pastrami corned beef, pork loin pancetta tenderloin meatball shoulder chuck biltong tail turkey.


I’d like to add that lorizzle that’s the shizzle dolor get down get down amet, that’s the shizzle adipiscing tellivizzle. Pizzle sapien tellivizzle, the bizzle volutpizzle, suscipizzle quis, that’s the shizzle vizzle, ma nizzle. Pellentesque shizznit tortor. Fizzle erizzle. Fo izzle dolor shiznit mofo tempizzle we gonna chung. Mauris pellentesque nibh fo shizzle mofo. We gonna chung izzle tortizzle. Pellentesque eleifend rhoncizzle nisi. Brizzle uhuh … yih! shiznit platea dictumst. Dang gangsta. Gangster tellizzle urna, pizzle check out this, mattizzle izzle, pot vitae, nunc. Crackalackin suscipizzle. Integizzle i’m in the shizzle gizzle sed owned.

Baconize your Lorem Ipsum:

Gangsta it up:




Is anyone else as excited as I am about the Tron remake? Daft Punk soundtrack and what appears to be a massive special effects budget… how can it fail?

How about a hat tip to the original? Watch the trailer from 1982. We’ve come a long way, folks:

Facebook is the all knowing.

Some of us blogfwends are in happy relationships. But according to the data collected by David McCandless, which focuses on the time of year when more people’s relationship statuses change to single, those happy relationships might not last. But don’t fret – it looks like as long as you can make it through Spring Break, you’re solid. So nobody plan any all-inclusive resort trips to Cancun this March, or you might become a statistic.

read CNN’s article about it here.

Increase of Fwends to get basic cable

beeecuuzzzz….CONAN’S COMING BACK TO TELEVISION! Okay, so it’s on TBS…he’s on the same channel as Lopez. But SO WHAT!? He’s coming back….and I have cable!

{via Gothamist}




Dire Situation?

This + That: To Do in 2010

Here are some things I want to do with my life, what’s on your 2010 list fwends?


“Everybody loves… Babies. This visually stunning new movie simultaneously follows four babies around the world – from first breath to first steps. From Mongolia to Namibia to San Francisco to Tokyo, Babies joyfully captures on film the earliest stages of the journey of humanity that are at once unique and universal to us all.” I’M EXCITED! (Great Sufjan song on the preview too…)

Monday Morning

I’m a little hungover today so I’ve been staring at these mesmerizing animated gifs by David Ope. You can see more of them (along with some other neat things) on his Tumblr blog.