Category Archives: Bitchin’

Van Gogh Starry Night Room

Entering my bedroom from high school in this Urban Outfitters: Room Sweet Room contest.

Smile… or don’t

Check out this blog Things with Faces. Definitely puts a smile on my face… ok that was super cheesy but kind of true.

The internet never forgets

Remember that folks… Robin Sparkels knows.  Unfortunately, this blog I found doesn’t seem to update that much but what they do have is pure gold.  Here are a few faves.  Plus a really awesome video of Paul Rudd as a dj.


#WINNING!!! (The Charlie Sheen Soundboard)

You Need to Eat a Sandwich.

I’m aware this is not a food blog but bear with me for a moment.

The sandwich shop next to the Ace Hotel is phenomenal. I know you’ve probably read this before because it’s all the rage on the blogs these days… but ladies and gents, I just ate it for the first time.


And No. 7 Sub is so good that I don’t care if it’s on the other blogs, we need to talk about it on this one too.

I ordered the Brussel Sprout Sandwich, I’ve been dying to try it ever since I read about it. But two bites into it I realized they mistakingly gave me the Eggplant Sandwich. I did not care. It was perfection. I will just have to go back and get that Brussel Sprout Sammy tomorrow.

Has anyone else tried this place? DAMN.

The Future of Fashion

This is a pretty remarkable fashion idea. It tracks what’s happening inside your body, and displays it for all to see. It even links up to your facebook and/or twitter so you can announce to the world when you are happy, sad, lying, or telling the truth.

Or if… um, for random example, you’re super pissed there’s a never ending storm going on in NYC right now, your clothing would show that emotion as well.


Thank-God-I-Finally-Found-Richard-Simmons’-Personal-Letterhead! is selling a David-Bowie-Hair hat.

I cannot look at this “hat” and not think of Labyrinth.

buy it here, if you dare.

Spinal Tap goes to 11

I don’t know how I missed! The IMDB rating for Spinal Tap now goes to 11. Amazing!

via kottke


And you were there! And you were there! And you, Busey… you were there too!

(via Beau Unruh)