Category Archives: Ellie

These are not free.

























Awkward Stock Photos. People pay for these?!?!

Inappropriate laughs are the best laughs.

British comedy about terrorists that are really really bad at being terrorists. Possibly one of the darkest comedies I’ve ever seen, also one of the funniest. Go see it! Angelika!

real life



Check out this blog for images of human (and often animal) life caught on Google street view. It’s really incredible.

Attn Blogfwends: use this for reference when my time comes.

Peter Saville designed this beautiful gravestone for Tony Wilson. Wilson was the creator of Factory Records which put out some bands like Joy Division and New Order, which Saville designed most of the album covers for. Anyways, beautiful.

via Creative Review

No one can beat this iPad ad.

Love you Jason Schwartzman.

Time to open a credit card..

Pantone is teaming up with Visa to make these super awesome credit cards. Makes spending money you maybe don’t have fun AND design-y. Check it out here.

The Great Brooklyn Tornado Attack of 2010

blogfwends, IS EVERYONE OK? ARE WE ALL ACCOUNTED FOR? No one got hit by a flying cow (uh I mean rat?) or sucked up and brought far far away to..Cape Cod? OK GOOD. Now that that’s over, I’d like to bring your attention to that fact that this monster of a tornado has it’s own twitter? The internet is so fast.

Sometimes, love is creepy.

At first I was like AWW SCATCH LOVE, and then things got weird.

yeah thats not what I was looking for at all.

Don’t ask one of us to design a poster for your missing cat, because I have a feeling that the exchange and the result might go a little something like this:

I’d really just read the whole thing

Breaking News: Obama suspected cameo in WHOOMP THERE IT IS video

According to some  nutso Tea Party website Obama can be seen hanging out in the 1993 video for “Whoomp There It Is” by Tag Team. Here is a very handy gif they have made for your viewing pleasure:

I am going to pretend this is true. Obama you so cool!