Category Archives: harsh!

“Myah, see?!”

Check out these awesome mug shots from the 20s. via Awesome Robo.

Dictating must really take it out of you.

Inappropriate laughs are the best laughs.

British comedy about terrorists that are really really bad at being terrorists. Possibly one of the darkest comedies I’ve ever seen, also one of the funniest. Go see it! Angelika!

What Phish Sounds Like (to People Who Don’t Like Phish).

This. Cracks me up. So so much.

Never before has using the “I wish I did it” tag meant more to me than at this very moment.

You can’t write this stuff.

The owner of Segway died by Segway-ing off a cliff. Seriously.

If you blog it we will read it: Fat Things Doing Stuff

So, I’ve been making a much more conscience effort to post since the talk of our re-design.  Three this week after taking quite a long sabbatical, (that’s kind of sad on my part).  In order to continue my strong effort I share with you a blog from a friend of a friend; Fat Things Doing Stuff.  Hopefully this will help get you through the last day of the week.  Some of my faves below.

The Great Brooklyn Tornado Attack of 2010

blogfwends, IS EVERYONE OK? ARE WE ALL ACCOUNTED FOR? No one got hit by a flying cow (uh I mean rat?) or sucked up and brought far far away to..Cape Cod? OK GOOD. Now that that’s over, I’d like to bring your attention to that fact that this monster of a tornado has it’s own twitter? The internet is so fast.

God’s gotta crack that whip, alright.

Director: “Ok. Adam? If you could just remove that ascot and give us one more take? Yea, that might work better. Aaaand, action!”

Oof. This guy even has a wedding ring on. Look’s like someone’s got faith-a-faith-a-faith!

South Street Seaport riot at Drake, Hanson and Ninjasonik show.

So yeah there was a riot last night at a show with three very different artists playing. I can’t say I’m surprised. Here’s what The Village Voice’s Zach Baron said:

The primary theater of battle? The northern side of the Seaport, where fans standing on the balcony in front of shops and restaurants began raining bottles down on the crowd below, who promptly returned fire. As things escalated, the bottles turned from plastic to glass. Then, at the peak of the fight, kids on the upper level began tossing steel chairs off the balcony. That was when people really started to run. It was also about at that moment that the police finally broke through the crowd and stormed the second level, where they too were momentarily pelted with bottles. We watched a few kids on the deck attempt to shove or otherwise assault the cops who were trying desperately to clear them out. In turn, more than one officer took out her baton, though the police had the situation in hand relatively quickly.

After that, it was mostly crowd dispersal, and stray fights. Helicopters buzzed overhead. Standing across from the Seaport, we watched as hundreds of kids suddenly went scrambling away from the stage area in terror. We asked one why he was running. “Mace,” he said.

The gods have chosen their sacrifice…

Yes. This person exists. I didn’t believe in Nemeses until this day.

Via D. Urdinlaiz