Category Archives: Tell Your Friends

NASA is badass apparently.

At least that’s supposed to be the takeaway from this new ad:

Thanks to M. Fisher

*Edit: I’ve just been informed by Fisher that it’s not actually an official NASA ad, but it totally should be.


If anyone has been watching Children’s Hospital, they’ll be happy to know that Adult Swim has just picked up the spin-off fake-promo show NTSF:SD:SUV (National Terrorism Strike Force: San Diego: Sport Utility Vehicle) for 12 episodes. Paul Scheer will be starring, writing, executive producing, and I think catering the craft services table for the show. Rob Riggle will be there too. Can’t wait.

Little Obama

Any questions?

via HMP Northington

Happy 420!

Pratt Speakers

Hey folks!  Anna Wintour will be speaking at Pratt Institute.  She’s giving a lecture Monday April 19 at 6 pm in Memorial Hall Auditorium.  It’s free and open to the public.  E-mail for a reservation.  Via The Cut.

Meow Pretty

My fwend Bailey Dwyer is lovely. And one of the many reasons she’s lovely is because she will make you a cat-themed gift. All you have to do is send your mailing address to

Because she loves cats. And she also loves you. (It’s all a part of her SVA thesis project and you can read about that here!)


Hello Fwends and fwends of fwends AND fwends of fwends of fwends,

I’m doing a bit of shameless promotion here. I’ve been working with some friends who are starting up a submission-based triannual publication. They are all photographers as well as curators, editors and photo editors.

Here’s an excerpt on what it’s all about:

We, as Trifecta, are a submission-based triannual publication. We curate a collection of multimedia works by diverse artists and offer a broad range of perspectives on a simple idea. Our intent is to create a contained archive for collectors. Think “treasure box.”

Trifecta manufactures each individual archive by hand. We design the inside of the book around what you submit. We strive to work with our artists to create something unique, so we ask participants to be creative with the presentation of your submission and challenge us.

Each issue has a theme, which can be interpreted in any way you see fit. 

They’re accepting submissions now on the theme ” BAMBOOZLED” and you can find the full brief at 

It would be a great project to get involved in if anyone is interested in doing some new work!

Hey Guys! We’re Startin’ a Meme!

So not too long ago I stumbled across the following image during my daily internettings, which had me in convulsive laughter:

Flash forward months later to today. I’m searching through stock photography to find a paintbrush, and lo and behold I find a series of photos who’s file names all begin with “creativeartistwhiteshirt_….jpg”. So in efforts to pay homage to the brilliant mind behind “HA HA! BUSINESS“, I created the following.

Now go home and make one of your very own, and post em here!


To any fwend or reader of this blog who might be on my email list…I apologize. I am not in Scotland, nor did I send that email asking for $1,500. I mean I’ll still take the money if you want to send it to me, but definitely don’t feel obligated.

I can’t even get into my email right now as my password has been changed, so if you get any more emails…they’re not from me! Sorry again!

JWOWW..she’s just like us!

GUYS. Did you know that JWOWW of the Jersey Shore fame is good at (besides eating ham and drinking water of course) graphic design? Yep! The lady with the bedazzled undies and two-toned hair brings in the big bucks with her graphic design career. JWOWW..she’s just like us!

Here she breaks it down:
Jenni’s main passion in life is Graphic Design. Among her many talents , art and Graphic Design stand out above all. Her company takes on leading competitors in the main stream of Graphic Art! Just look at this site!!!! 

Here is the site: