Category Archives: I wish I did it

Lorem Ipsum Has Officially Evolved.

Guys, I just want to say that short ribs ham hock chuck pork ground round, beef strip steak tri-tip. Tri-tip pork belly jowl ribeye shank shoulder. Shankle pig flank short loin, spare ribs biltong bacon hamburger tenderloin tail tongue jowl venison jerky salami. Pancetta shank jowl, meatball ribeye tongue ham hock bacon cow tenderloin pig drumstick. Ribeye chicken fatback, ground round strip steak tail tenderloin tongue. Short loin turkey sausage drumstick. Strip steak pastrami corned beef, pork loin pancetta tenderloin meatball shoulder chuck biltong tail turkey.


I’d like to add that lorizzle that’s the shizzle dolor get down get down amet, that’s the shizzle adipiscing tellivizzle. Pizzle sapien tellivizzle, the bizzle volutpizzle, suscipizzle quis, that’s the shizzle vizzle, ma nizzle. Pellentesque shizznit tortor. Fizzle erizzle. Fo izzle dolor shiznit mofo tempizzle we gonna chung. Mauris pellentesque nibh fo shizzle mofo. We gonna chung izzle tortizzle. Pellentesque eleifend rhoncizzle nisi. Brizzle uhuh … yih! shiznit platea dictumst. Dang gangsta. Gangster tellizzle urna, pizzle check out this, mattizzle izzle, pot vitae, nunc. Crackalackin suscipizzle. Integizzle i’m in the shizzle gizzle sed owned.

Baconize your Lorem Ipsum:

Gangsta it up:



Jodorowsky’s Dune: The epic that was never made

In 1976 cult Chilean filmmaker, Alejandro Jororowsky, was slated to direct an adapatation of Frank Herbert’s SciFi epic, Dune. Following the release of his mystical Western ‘El Topo’ (1970) and the more psychedelic ‘Holy Mountain’, Jodorowsky attempted to bring ‘Dune’ pto life, garnering talented artists including the French comics artist Moebius, the Swiss artist H.R. Giger (who made the iconic design in ‘Alien’), the British sci-fi artist Chris Foss and the British band Pink Floyd, who would provide the soundtrack. Among Jodorowsky’s rumored cast were Orson Welles, Mick Jagger  and Salvador Dali as Emperor Shaddam IV. Not being able to get the money to produce the movie the way he wanted, Jodorowsky abandoned the project. All that survives of this project is Jodorowsky’s extensive notes, and the production drawings of Moebius, Giger and Foss.

What Phish Sounds Like (to People Who Don’t Like Phish).

This. Cracks me up. So so much.

Never before has using the “I wish I did it” tag meant more to me than at this very moment.

Hope everyone had a wonderful holiday weekend.

I know I did…

yeah thats not what I was looking for at all.

Don’t ask one of us to design a poster for your missing cat, because I have a feeling that the exchange and the result might go a little something like this:

I’d really just read the whole thing

Psychic Drinking Glass

This blew my mind. Then I read how it’s done, and now I just feel stupid for not thinking of it.

The pattern appears to be random, but indeed it is not. When you fill the glass with different colors, it reveals the label.

Why doesn’t my brain work like Cipher’s?

BP Spills Coffee

UCB Comedy nailed this. Give it a viewing, wouldya?


Awesome editing job as well.

If only posters were a lucrative medium..

love this stuff.

The ultimate “I wish I did it”

Which would be to sneak into John Lennon’s hotel room and ask him for an interview. Well, this dude did- and he was just 14. Forty years later, he made an animated short about it. Enjoy below:

{via It’s Nice That}