Category Archives: Yeah I went there

You Need to Eat a Sandwich.

I’m aware this is not a food blog but bear with me for a moment.

The sandwich shop next to the Ace Hotel is phenomenal. I know you’ve probably read this before because it’s all the rage on the blogs these days… but ladies and gents, I just ate it for the first time.


And No. 7 Sub is so good that I don’t care if it’s on the other blogs, we need to talk about it on this one too.

I ordered the Brussel Sprout Sandwich, I’ve been dying to try it ever since I read about it. But two bites into it I realized they mistakingly gave me the Eggplant Sandwich. I did not care. It was perfection. I will just have to go back and get that Brussel Sprout Sammy tomorrow.

Has anyone else tried this place? DAMN.

Dylan Photo Bomb

According to Funny or Die, these were taken at Dragon Con. As much as I want to focus on the fact that Dylan is in these photos, I can’t get out of my head what the hallways of Dragon Con must have looked like, given the looks of the people he’s posing with.

Mark this down as my mean post, I don’t care. I have to share these with my fwends.

(please note above, that this Kelly Taylor stand-in is  Team Jacob.)

Nerd Alert: I just got actual chills watching this.

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows Part 1 trailer. Who’s ready?!

THIS was my Jam.

Oh holy crap. I’ve actually been thinking about (my personal) seminal favorite video game, Toe Jam and Earl lately, and then I find this!

Now let’s take another trip down memory lane and revisit their highly funky, toe-tapping (remember Earl’s toe-tap and eyebrow-lift?) intro.  Seinfeld beats got nooothin on this intro:

All this excitement led me to revisit my second favorite Sega jam, Streets of Rage 2! Totally forgot about this cover. Blaze’s rack was not very kid-friendly. Or was it?


According to the internets, Al and Tipper are no more.

Should we be sad? Because I’m kinda not. I mean,

Pratt Speakers

Hey folks!  Anna Wintour will be speaking at Pratt Institute.  She’s giving a lecture Monday April 19 at 6 pm in Memorial Hall Auditorium.  It’s free and open to the public.  E-mail for a reservation.  Via The Cut.

The safe word is “JESUS”

Actually, there are no words that describe the level of talent coming from popular Christian band, Final Placement.

I’ll refrain from making too many jokes here because if I later read somewhere that he’s deaf (which is entirely possible), I’ll feel really bad.

watch the vid, yo.

Well hello Mr. Senator!…and wife!

Scott Brown, circa 1982 Cosmo


Check out Gail Huff’s (Brown’s wife) own foray into pop culture in the 1980’s with her starring role in Digney Fingus’ music video for their single, “The Girl With the Curious Hand”. You heard that right.

My push-up bra gonna help me get my mannnn


Every once in a while I post something I am particularly proud of, and this is one of those moments. It is impossible to watch this without your hand over your mouth.

Please watch this little gem introduced to me by my friend Tiffani.

“Can’t you see I’m tryin’ to put on my LIPSTICK?!”

“He thinks it over? It ain’t over.”


Ok, so after confirming my mania in a chat with Ellie, I have decided to pose this question to the group:

I received a friend request on facebook from this mysterious vixen about a month ago, and accepted only after seeing that I had HUNDREDS of friends in common with her, most notably: ALL OF YOU. Thinking that I was crazy for not remembering someone clearly so connected and such an integral part of my life and those of my friends, I began to create memories of her in my head. Like the time she forgot all of her drawing supplies in Jean Shin’s foundation drawing class and used an extinguished cigarette as charcoal. Or the time that she brought in cookies for everyone in Stabile Hall, even though it was HER birthday. Thats just the kind of girl Ashely is. In my mind.

That is until it was confirmed by several people that they accepted her request for exactly the same reasons, and do not have a clue who this girl is.

Now this next part may seem mean-spirited, but I can’t help myself.

Some excellent quotes from her facebook page:

About Me: I’m Ashley. I’ve been told that i’m super quirky at times. I prone to mood swings. I have a big spastic personality that everyone likes (or so i’m told). I absolutely suck at making plans so i just go with the flow. I sing along with songs. I find humor in awkward situations. Any form of hate sent towards me, only enhances my humoristic [YES. HUMORISTIC] conciet. I’m well aware that not everyone is going to like me. I avoid jealousy & insecurity, as well as I simply just dont get embarrased about anything. I am a sea of colorful emotions, so i suggest you dive right in!

Part of me feels bad for doing this. As Lizi once put it,”[Ashley is]one of those people I could NEVER forget. I don’t think everyone is unique, different yes, but not “unique”. You’re one of those I could recognise in the middle of Manhattan…even if I were ‘deleted.'” How could I, and all of you not remember such a fantastic and beautiful character? Why is the world so cruel? Why am I so heavily addicted to facebook that this caused me stress and that I felt it necessary to write this article?

Jesus Christ. I’m done. If any of you have any information leading to the recovery of ANY facts about our connection to this girl please reply to this post or call (202) SAD-FART. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated.