Category Archives: this + that

Stoked on Summer.

A few favorites from an epic summertime imagery post by Secret Forts. Can’t help but share, they warm my summertime heart! Listen to this while you scroll.


Hello Fwends and fwends of fwends AND fwends of fwends of fwends,

I’m doing a bit of shameless promotion here. I’ve been working with some friends who are starting up a submission-based triannual publication. They are all photographers as well as curators, editors and photo editors.

Here’s an excerpt on what it’s all about:

We, as Trifecta, are a submission-based triannual publication. We curate a collection of multimedia works by diverse artists and offer a broad range of perspectives on a simple idea. Our intent is to create a contained archive for collectors. Think “treasure box.”

Trifecta manufactures each individual archive by hand. We design the inside of the book around what you submit. We strive to work with our artists to create something unique, so we ask participants to be creative with the presentation of your submission and challenge us.

Each issue has a theme, which can be interpreted in any way you see fit. 

They’re accepting submissions now on the theme ” BAMBOOZLED” and you can find the full brief at 

It would be a great project to get involved in if anyone is interested in doing some new work!

This + That: To Do in 2010

Here are some things I want to do with my life, what’s on your 2010 list fwends?

This + That: Winter Vacay

This + That [clusterfuck edition]

Save travels to anyone traveling today. Here’s something to look at if you’re flight hasn’t boarded yet.

*all via “the internet”

this + that: all i want for christmas edition

Want one of these! Now please!

A bit too expensive, but awesome swimwear by We Are Handsome. Gimme!

this + that : magazine cover edition

via Graphic Exchange

This + That: Pink December

(click image for source)

This + That: Bye Bye November

(click image for source)

today’s this + that

Last days of CBGB