Category Archives: magic

Sweet Meat!

Spring is coming and you can get ready for your Bikini bod by slapping your thighs… and smiling. Thanks Katie for sending this to me.

MIB for Taco Bell!

You can now port you number to Google Voice.

Google is always keepin’ it real. Oh yeah, and there’s free text messaging.

Best thing ever.

Undercover is back for the Holidays

A.V. Club Undercover is doing a holiday edition. 10 Bands, 10 Songs, 2 Rules: It has to be a cover and somehow holiday related. The first is The Walkmen covering Lindsay Buckingham’s “Holiday Road.” It’s adorable.

Incase the emergency arises…

via Josh Kanter.


If anyone has been watching Children’s Hospital, they’ll be happy to know that Adult Swim has just picked up the spin-off fake-promo show NTSF:SD:SUV (National Terrorism Strike Force: San Diego: Sport Utility Vehicle) for 12 episodes. Paul Scheer will be starring, writing, executive producing, and I think catering the craft services table for the show. Rob Riggle will be there too. Can’t wait.

Thanks, Ray Ray!

Incase you guys are in the mood to challenge your culinary skills this Thanksgiving, here’s a recipe for Pineapple Slices, courtesy of this girl:

I recommend you get a good night’s rest before taking on this project. Pineapple Slices can go way wrong if you don’t pay close attention to each step.

I’ve taken the liberty of posting the actual recipe, incase clicking on a link is something you struggle with:

“Quarter the pineapple lengthwise. Using a thin, sharp knife cut core away from each wedge by making a shallow slice the length of the pineapple. Follow the skinof the pineapple and cut the fruit away from it using your knife, keeping the green tops attached. Next, cut pineapple into 1/2-inch slices. Each quarter pineapple will now hold several wedges. Separate fruit by sliding wedges alternately to the left then to the right. Each completed pineapple serving will look like a boat filled with the fruit slices.”

If you manage to not fuck this up, your finished dish should look something like this:

I know I can’t handle something this advanced, so I’m not even going to try. But if anyone else does, and it works out, please tell us about it in the comments section of this post!

p.s. The comments about this recipe on the Food Network’s site are pretty funny.

BBC’s The Trip. Pure genius.

If you guys haven’t been watching this show you should. Here’s just a little taste of the hilarity of Steven Coogan and Rob Brydon:

Who cares about the announcement of #NewTwitter when we’re also getting things like THIS?

I cannot wrap my head around what deep fried beer will taste like. I cannot imagine how a water-like liquid won’t pour out and burn the crap out of your mouth. I cannot understand why it doesn’t explode in the frier due to carbonation and pressure and other science-y things I’ve never understood.

But alas, I don’t care.

Ladies and Gentlemen….. DEEP FRIED BEER.