Monthly Archives: July 2010

Happiness is…

Antiques Web Show, Vol. 54 (Miami, Edn.)

As I’ll be gone for a little while I’m posting today in honor of my trip to Miami.

Many of you may have heard of, heard or possibly own this album as it was a big deal with the accompanying documentary that won many awards and was nominated for best documentary at the 1997 Academy Awards. This project was the brainchild of great guitarist and all around crazy person, Ry Cooder. He gathered a dozen of the most famous house musicians from the actual Buena Vista Social Club in pre-revolution Cuba and made this album with them.

Even if you don’t care for Latin music, it’s hard not to appreciate these beautiful arrangements and masterful playing. I hope you enjoy it and at least have a cocktail or two while listening to “El Carretero” while I’m gone. Here’s Beuna Vista Social Club.


Antiques Web Show, Vol. 53 (Pop-Grunge Edn. ’92-’94)

I doubt these records need any introduction. I’ve been rockin’ these albums all week and thought we could rock out this weekend together.

’92 – Stone Temple Pilots – Core

’93 – Pearl Jam – VS

’94 – Soundgarden – Superunknown

They’re Fwends!

Thanks to C.R. Bertrand.

It’s coming…

It never disappoints.

Antiques Web Show, Vol. 52

Well, this is the 1 year anniversary of Antiques Web Show. Let me know what you’re favorite album I posted was. Thanks for downloading all this time.

These are some of the oft overlooked records in Tom Waits’ catalog. With all the later Swordfishtrobones, Rain Dogs and what have you, it gets hard to imagine that he used to just be a jazzy songwriter with a wonderful voice before it went all whisky-soaked zombie that he’s more known for today. Many of these songs were covered by other more well-known artists and he was known primarily as a songwriter instead of a performer. These are his first two records from the early 70s.

1973’s Closing Time

1974’s The Heart of Saturday Night


(via cslacker)

Monkeys ‘n Guns

First they conquered Hollywood…

…and now, the Taliban. (Naturally.)

In terms of relevance, monkeys are quote unquote KILLING it these days.

(via associated content)

Summertime Beach Tunes

Remember MTV’s beach house? Actually maybe they still have it, but no way is it as good as it was in the 90s.

This wasn’t at the beach house, but it’s still a true gem: Billy Corgan (with hair) interviewing (9-year-old-Elizabeth’s favorite) D’Arcy! She was so damn cool.