Monthly Archives: December 2009

How to pimp yo crib for the Ladies

Watch it folks and start the New Year right.

Mix: Dreadlock Holiday

Sorry, Elizabeth. Get it here.

So, I wasn’t the only one…

Let me first say, that I really enjoyed Avatar aaand will most likely see it again. However, I could not help but think about Fern Gully throughout the whole movie and maybe this is why, below is a little mash up video (SPOILER ALERT… sort of). By the way, I still have Fern Gully on VHS if anyone wants to borrow it.

Holidays = Survived


Antiques Web Show, Vol. 23


To get a leg up on Christmas…

Happy Festivus, everyone.

The idea for the Seinfeld episode is traced back to writer Daniel O’Keefe, who later published a book, The Real Festivus, detailing how Festivus was an actual holiday created by his father. In an online Q&A with readers of the Washington Post this week, O’Keefe explains that though Frank Costanza observes Festivus on December 23rd, “the significance of that was we chose it randomly. The Frank Costanza line was ‘to get a leg up on Christmas.’ In real life it was celebrated whenever the hell my dad felt like it, September to May. One year there was none. One year, there were two.”

*via Gothamist

This + That: Winter Vacay

Happy travels…


This + That [clusterfuck edition]

Save travels to anyone traveling today. Here’s something to look at if you’re flight hasn’t boarded yet.

*all via “the internet”

Oh, Googs- You fill the void.

*and yes. i was curious about cuervo nation island.