Category Archives: fatty fridays

You Need to Eat a Sandwich.

I’m aware this is not a food blog but bear with me for a moment.

The sandwich shop next to the Ace Hotel is phenomenal. I know you’ve probably read this before because it’s all the rage on the blogs these days… but ladies and gents, I just ate it for the first time.


And No. 7 Sub is so good that I don’t care if it’s on the other blogs, we need to talk about it on this one too.

I ordered the Brussel Sprout Sandwich, I’ve been dying to try it ever since I read about it. But two bites into it I realized they mistakingly gave me the Eggplant Sandwich. I did not care. It was perfection. I will just have to go back and get that Brussel Sprout Sammy tomorrow.

Has anyone else tried this place? DAMN.

Food in Real Life

The next time your hungry for something fast and quick you might want to check out this site just so you know what you’re really getting.  Be sure to check out the Hall of Shame too.  Happy lunch folks.

If you blog it we will read it: Fat Things Doing Stuff

So, I’ve been making a much more conscience effort to post since the talk of our re-design.  Three this week after taking quite a long sabbatical, (that’s kind of sad on my part).  In order to continue my strong effort I share with you a blog from a friend of a friend; Fat Things Doing Stuff.  Hopefully this will help get you through the last day of the week.  Some of my faves below.

Who cares about the announcement of #NewTwitter when we’re also getting things like THIS?

I cannot wrap my head around what deep fried beer will taste like. I cannot imagine how a water-like liquid won’t pour out and burn the crap out of your mouth. I cannot understand why it doesn’t explode in the frier due to carbonation and pressure and other science-y things I’ve never understood.

But alas, I don’t care.

Ladies and Gentlemen….. DEEP FRIED BEER.

White-hot moves.

Complements of miss Daniella Urdinlaiz.

Shiner in NYC

Just found out they have Shiner (and Lone Stars) at this place Rodeo Bar & Grill on 27th and 3rd. I’m going there after work on Friday and I want all of you to join me. They have real Texas BBQ and (supposedly) one of the best margaritas in the city. check it out.

I know it’s out of the way, but let me know if you want to come drink my favorite beer in the world with me. I’m going to call and make sure they’ll have it before we go so look for an update around noon today.


Vader Voice: “NOOOOOOOOOOO!!” They have stopped carrying it as of this year… my life is now in shambles… I’m in a place that only Shiner Bock can get me out of…

*UPDATE 2: I’ve decided to go anyway. No Shiner, but hell, they have Lone Star damnit and that’s pretty good too. They also have great BBQ and margs. so yeah… let’s go! expect an email about this.

Looks like somebody has a new desktop!


I have to say, the few times I’ve caught Late Night with Jimmy Fallon lately, I’ve been pretty pleasantly surprised. The show is definitely getting better! And a second installment of “Let Us Play With Your Look” featuring Zach Galifianakis certainly helps.

Also, yes, the Zach Galifianakis/Will Forte SNL promos this week are awesome. I suggest beginning every day by watching them. It’s your weekend!!!!

(Blogfwend flashback)

Grins & Smiles & Giggles & Laughs…only you could get me to love breakfast again.

Check out these ca-ra-zay old cereals!


I like to imagine a focus group of 1970’s moms naming this cereal. (Note the Purina logo. Dog food company expands to kids cereal! Yow!)

I would have fucking loved this cereal.

Tiny glazed donut cereal…how did this not succeed?!

And that Amazing Blackstone Card Trick System is a whole other post. Jesus!

See more at Now That’s Nifty.

Japanese animals really have restraint.

Toss Your Cookies

Apparently after Christmas, this website requires that your body look more like Jesus than Santa.

No joke. has axed 5,000 members who appeared to pack on the pounds over the holidays.

I wonder how many of those people are crying tears on their pound cakes right now.

Read about it on

I went to their site (for a screen shot, I swear!) and luckily we can ALL take a peek, even if we’re fugly: