Category Archives: animation

Thundercats remake.

I’m a bit hesitant to embrace it… but 4°C does pretty decent work. I’ll bet Snarf is still lame as ever. It also got me thinking. Why the hell is a Mummy fighting cat-humanoids?

Daniella Urdinlaiz: Animatress

I just realized I never posted Daniella’s hand drawn animations. Here are a few:

Watch at Vimeo here.

Henry’s Voice acting debut:


So, I wasn’t the only one…

Let me first say, that I really enjoyed Avatar aaand will most likely see it again. However, I could not help but think about Fern Gully throughout the whole movie and maybe this is why, below is a little mash up video (SPOILER ALERT… sort of). By the way, I still have Fern Gully on VHS if anyone wants to borrow it.

Monday Morning

I’m a little hungover today so I’ve been staring at these mesmerizing animated gifs by David Ope. You can see more of them (along with some other neat things) on his Tumblr blog.

Shiny Suds

Method, the well designed, eco-friendly cleaning product line has just come out with a hilariously creepy viral that sheds light on the harsh chemicals in other cleaning products. The viral leads to a good cause by making it easy for you to sign a petition to pass the Household Product Labeling Act, which lets consumers know exactly what chemicals they’re scrubbing with. Similar to the giant toxin labels you now see on cigarette packs. Fantastic idea! (And conceived / art directed by my lovely roommate Amanda Clelland.)

Pass it on!

LOVE LOVE LOVE: Jookabox’s You Cried Me

Everything about this video/song is perfect. Dark but fun, poppy and energetic. Totally made my day. Listen to the whole album at MBV.

(via it’s nice that)

Fatty Fridays: Non-Fatty Edition


The Food Standards Association in  England has created some awesomely creepy shorts to promote healthy eating (and a tv show, of course). Love them!

See all the videos at Eat Me Daily.

Lacoste Momentum Launch. SUPER FUN~!

So today is the official launch of Lacoste Momentum of a project that a few of my insanely talented coworkers have spent the past few months putting together. I’m not going to ruin it for you in this sad little paragraph, so get on your internets box and play on the sites!

Picture 15

Fatty Fridays: on Tuesday!

I’ve been terrible at Fatty Fridays but I just saw this new ad for bo dem juice and figured Fatty Fridays don’t always have to happen on a Friday. Anyway, I don’t care what year it is and how far we’ve come with making hyper-real, life-like animation (hear that James Cameron?) stop-motion will always triumph. Bonus points for me because I own that ridiculous toucan lamp you see sippin’ on juice up there.