Category Archives: television

The Many Faces of Oprah

I haven’t watched Oprah in several years, but with this site I was quickly reminded that it’s her last season and every episode is an emotional roller coaster ride for the audience members, guest and of course, Oprah.  Enjoy some of their reactions Faces of the Last Season of Oprah.

Thundercats remake.

I’m a bit hesitant to embrace it… but 4°C does pretty decent work. I’ll bet Snarf is still lame as ever. It also got me thinking. Why the hell is a Mummy fighting cat-humanoids?

The BEST Superbowl ad.



If anyone has been watching Children’s Hospital, they’ll be happy to know that Adult Swim has just picked up the spin-off fake-promo show NTSF:SD:SUV (National Terrorism Strike Force: San Diego: Sport Utility Vehicle) for 12 episodes. Paul Scheer will be starring, writing, executive producing, and I think catering the craft services table for the show. Rob Riggle will be there too. Can’t wait.

BBC’s The Trip. Pure genius.

If you guys haven’t been watching this show you should. Here’s just a little taste of the hilarity of Steven Coogan and Rob Brydon:

Gary Coleman

It was reported 7 minutes ago that Gary Coleman has died at the age of 42.

I remember hearing a story about him getting pulled over  because the cop thought a kid was out driving his dad’s truck. When Coleman got out of the car, the cop discovered that he had been sitting on phone books.

Here’s to you, GC.


Increase of Fwends to get basic cable

beeecuuzzzz….CONAN’S COMING BACK TO TELEVISION! Okay, so it’s on TBS…he’s on the same channel as Lopez. But SO WHAT!? He’s coming back….and I have cable!

{via Gothamist}

Crazy Cool Medallions.

So this absolutely blew my mind late last night.

This Just In

(photograph by Mitch Gage)