Category Archives: crush

Historical Hotties

Bangable Dudes in History is a blog that not only digs up the best looking dead historians but uses pie charts to dissect their hotness.

Tom Hanks is an animal.

He’s an amazing actor and now he’s a lot of animals.  Check it out T.Hanks.

P.S. Here’s what he thinks about it… such a great guy.

No one can beat this iPad ad.

Love you Jason Schwartzman.

They’re Fwends!

Thanks to C.R. Bertrand.

happy friday!

If you don’t follow* Tom Hanks on twitter…you should. Hanx.

*thank you, edilk!

This golden girl…

…has passed away early this morning due to a stroke. She was 76.

I don’t know if I want to live in a world with only one golden girl.

(The 3rd celebrity in the last few days. Spooooky.)

you maybe have no heart if this doesn’t get you a little choked up.

Incredible Pratt commencement speech by miss Patti Smith. I’ll try not to think of our graduation day now.

Just keep on it.

The only reason worth watching Tim & Eric anymore is for Brule’s Rules. Amiright? Well, maybe not. But either way- Steve Brule now has his own show! Awesomeness below:

Increase of Fwends to get basic cable

beeecuuzzzz….CONAN’S COMING BACK TO TELEVISION! Okay, so it’s on TBS…he’s on the same channel as Lopez. But SO WHAT!? He’s coming back….and I have cable!

{via Gothamist}

He hates things…