Category Archives: i want to go to there.

NASA is badass apparently.

At least that’s supposed to be the takeaway from this new ad:

Thanks to M. Fisher

*Edit: I’ve just been informed by Fisher that it’s not actually an official NASA ad, but it totally should be.

Sober February, Day 2

As far as I know, Collin and I are the only blogfwends attempting Sober February. I doubt I’ll make it for the entire month, but every day counts.

Not that I’m thinking about it nonstop, but I decided to google “I’m drunk” and these are some of my results I thought I’d share:

and my personal favorite:

And you were there! And you were there! And you, Busey… you were there too!

(via Beau Unruh)


Is anyone else as excited as I am about the Tron remake? Daft Punk soundtrack and what appears to be a massive special effects budget… how can it fail?

How about a hat tip to the original? Watch the trailer from 1982. We’ve come a long way, folks:

Awesome- Nay, Awesomest Video Evar.

Space, boobies, sparklers, and assorted random wierd shit. Thank you El Guincho (And Collin for getting me this album).


Time to Rainblowyourload

I know. The title is a stretch. But this guy just did…

Stoked on Summer.

A few favorites from an epic summertime imagery post by Secret Forts. Can’t help but share, they warm my summertime heart! Listen to this while you scroll.

A.V. Club’s Undercover

I’m not sure if you guys have been checking this stuff out as it happens, but it’s a really awesome project.

They explain the project at the beginning of every video so I’ll spare you my own drawn out explanation. All you need to know is, current bands of varying sorts cover songs from a list of songs that A.V. Club makes in a tiny room at their office.


The Antlers do Pink Floyd’s “Wish You Were Here”

Other stand-outs worth watching:

Ben Folds does Elliott Smith, Wye Oak does The Kinks, and Ted Leo covers Tears For Fears

They finally did it.

It’s not the big one we were promised. But it’s a start.

As previously mentioned, IndieScreen, a new movie theater at 285 Kent Avenue (at S 2nd Street) in Williamsburg (on the same block as Glasslands), is expected to open for business officially by the end of June. Before then, the theater will be hosting films for the Brooklyn International Film Festival which runs until June 13th. Check out the schedule at their site. Tonight, Monday June 7th, you can see THE “FLESH CHAPTER 1, ANGLE OF TRAJECTORY”, “DISPOSABLE”, and “HIGGS, INTO THE HEART OF IMAGINATION”. Trailers for all three of those below.

The theater will also be screening films as part of Northside Festival, happening June 24-27.

The 12-rows, 93-seat theater (which has a 17-feet by 8-feet screen) will be accompanied by a restaurant and a full bar, AND will be hosting live music. Their website is still under construction, but there’s more info about what they have there and how you can host an event there if you click around enough.

Via BrooklynVegan

Breaking News: Obama suspected cameo in WHOOMP THERE IT IS video

According to some  nutso Tea Party website Obama can be seen hanging out in the 1993 video for “Whoomp There It Is” by Tag Team. Here is a very handy gif they have made for your viewing pleasure:

I am going to pretend this is true. Obama you so cool!